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Typical Music Tim Burgess

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Typical Music Tim Burgess Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Here Comes The Weekend 2 Curiosity 3 Time That We Call Time 4 Flamingo 5 Revenge Through Art 6 Kinectic Connection 7 Typical Music 8 Take Me With You 9 After This 10 The Centre of Me (Is a Symphony of You) 11 When I See You 12 Magic Rising 13 Tender Hooks 14 L.O.S.T Lost / Will You Take A Look At My Hand Please 15 A Bloody Nose 16 In May 17 Slacker (Than I've Ever Been) 18 View From Above 19 A Quarter to Eight 20 Sooner Than Yesterday 21 Sure Enough 22 What's Meant For You Won't Pass By You Listen to full