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New People: Contemporary American Works for Voice, Viola, and Piano Chiaroscuro Trio

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New People: Contemporary American Works for Voice, Viola, and Piano Chiaroscuro Trio Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 The Rain is Full of Ghosts: Mindful of You 2 The Rain is Full of Ghosts: Summer to Your Heart 3 The Rain is Full of Ghosts: What Lips My Lips Have Kissed 4 Erotica: To Orgasms 5 Erotica: Bed Music 6 Erotica: On Reading Poorly Transcribed Erotica 7 New People: Baby's eyes are chocolates 8 New People: One day my shadow said to me 9 New People: New People talk computer 10 New People: Earth is the theater 11 New People: Skyscrapers are trees of the city 12 New People: Starlings compose 13 New People: Goodnight Day 14 Front Porch Poems: Fairies on my Hilltop 15 Front Porch Poems: A Winter Night 16 Front Porch Poems: Tango Violistico 17 Jabberwocky Listen to full