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Glière: Symphony No. 3, 'Il'ya Muromets' Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra

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Glière: Symphony No. 3, 'Il'ya Muromets' Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Symphony No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 42, "Il'ya Muromets": I. Wandering Pilgrims. Andante sostenuto - Allegro risoluto 2 Symphony No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 42, "Il'ya Muromets": II. Solovey, the Brigand. Andante 3 Symphony No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 42, "Il'ya Muromets": III. At the Court of Vladimir, the Mighty Sun. Allegro 4 Symphony No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 42, "Il'ya Muromets": IV. The Heroism and Petrification of Il'ya Muromets. Allegro tumultuoso - Andante Listen to full