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The Eye of Night The Myriad Trio

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1 Elegiac Trio 2 Trio Sonata in G Major, BWV 1038: I. Largo 3 Trio Sonata in G Major, BWV 1038: II. Vivace 4 Trio Sonata in G Major, BWV 1038: III. Adagio 5 Trio Sonata in G Major, BWV 1038: IV. Presto 6 Trio Sonate for Flute, Viola and Harp: I. Pastorale 7 Trio Sonate for Flute, Viola and Harp: II. Interlude 8 Trio Sonate for Flute, Viola and Harp: III. Final 9 At Dusk 10 The Eye of Night: I 11 The Eye of Night: II 12 The Eye of Night: III 13 The Eye of Night: IV Listen to full