1Intro2The Ship3Legend4Fatales Rastros5Mr Toad6The Salvestra Tear7Cuore Strappato8The Sleeping Lover1Sweet Iphigenia2Carapresa's Tale3Lost and Found4Day 5 Tale 45Neifile6Damsel's Love and King's Wrath7La storia di Teodoro l'Armeno prima schiavo poi liberto d'amore8Nastagio degli onesti1Ninth Tale 52Quinto Giorno / Decima Novella3The Tales That You Tell4Day 6 Tale 25Day 6, Tale 36Chichibio7Dell'amore di gianni da procida e restituta bolgaro8Xindia9Nouvelle VII (La femme adultère ou la loi réformée)10Creer, Crecer1Day 6 Tale 92Guccio porco e la nuta3The Wanton Subtlety of Monna Tessa4P's Ways5The Rock and Roll Missionary6The Well7Golden Chains8Cherchez la femme9Ode to Good Sex: The Ladies ValleyListen to full