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Modern Belly Dance from Lebanon: Sunset Princess Emad Sayyah

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Modern Belly Dance from Lebanon: Sunset Princess Emad Sayyah Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Raksat al ghazaala (Dance of the Gazelle) 2 Ya leyli (Oh, My Night) 3 Rimaal wa jimaal (Sand and Camels) 4 Leh leh leh (Why, Oh Why) 5 Rakkesni ya habibi (Let Me Dance, My Darling) 6 Lah (No) 7 Jibaal wa widyaan (Mountain and Valleys) 8 Hilwi hal hayaat (Life Is Beautiful) 9 Yislamlil Amar (May the Beautiful One Be Happy) 10 Soukkar daayeb (Molten Sugar) 11 Yasmin 12 Ya salaam (Peace) 13 Layli maiik (A Night with You) Listen to full