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Csendes éj: Silent Night Stille Nacht Various Artists

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Csendes éj: Silent Night Stille Nacht Various Artists Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 In dulci jubilo, BWV 729 2 Mennybol az angyal (An Angel from Heaven) 3 Pasztorok, pasztorok (Shepherds, Shepherd) 4 O gyonyoruszep, titokzatos ej (O Beautiful Mysterious Night) 5 Karacsonyi bolcsodal (Christmas Lullaby) 6 Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her, BWV 700 7 Csordapasztorok (Shepherds of the Flocks) 8 A kis Jezus (The Little Jesus) 9 Kiskaracsony, Nagykaracsony (Little Christmas, Big Christmas) 10 Pastorale 11 Pastorale in F Major, BWV 590: I. Prelude 12 Csendes ej (Silent Night Stille Nacht) 13 O Tannenbaum (Sung in Hungarian) 14 Kicsi gyermek (Little Child of Mary) 15 San Jouse m'a dit (Puer natus est nobis) 16 6 Pieces for Organ: 6 Pieces for Organ: No. 4. Pastorale in E Major, Op. 19, M. 31 17 Ja suis l'archange de Dieu (Sung in Hungarian) 18 Aranyszarnyu angyal (Golden Wing Angel) 19 Aldott ej (Blessed Night) 20 Pastorale in F Major, BWV 590: IV. Gigue Listen to full