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Heathers (Original Soundtrack) David Newman

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Heathers (Original Soundtrack) David Newman Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Strip Croquet 2 Suicide Note 3 J.D. Blows Up 4 The Forest 5 You're Beautiful 6 Martha Dumptruck 7 Third Funeral 8 Veronica And J.D. 9 First Funeral 10 The Dorm 11 Back To School 12 Forest Chase 13 Heather's Locker 14 Veronica's Shower 15 Into The Cafeteria 16 Veronica's Dream 17 J.D.'s Final Stand 18 Dorm Party 19 Croquet 20 Second Funeral 21 Poor Little Heather 22 J.D.'s Bomb 23 Petition Montage Listen to full