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The Shakespeare Concerts Series, Vol. 4: Orpheus with His Lute Made Trees Various Artists

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The Shakespeare Concerts Series, Vol. 4: Orpheus with His Lute Made Trees Various Artists Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 The Tenor's Suite: You May Think of Art 2 Orpheus with His Lute 3 Sonata for Violin & Voice: Orpheus with His Lute - Sonnet CIII 4 Sonata for Violin & Voice: Sonnet CXXVIII 5 Mythes, Op. 30: La fontaine d'Aréthuse 6 Mythes, Op. 30: Narcisse 7 Mythes, Op. 30: Dryades et Pan 8 Façade: Daphne 9 Leda and the Swan 10 12 English Songs: Orpheus with His Lute 11 On the Death of Phillips 12 4 Pieces from "Much Ado About Nothing", Op. 11: Mädchen im Brautgemach 13 4 Pieces from "Much Ado About Nothing", Op. 11: Holzapfel und Schlehwein 14 4 Pieces from "Much Ado About Nothing", Op. 11: Gartenscene 15 4 Pieces from "Much Ado About Nothing", Op. 11: Mummenschanz Listen to full