1Suite of Songs from the Heydari and Setâyesh Maqâm2A Song (Robâyât-I Khalqi, Popular Quatrains)3A Series of Lullabies: Dardilik, Lala'ik, Dodo'ik And Robâ'i4Falak Song on the Setâyesh Rhythm5Instrumental Suite in Three Movements: Navâzesh, Sedâyi Del, Ancient Air6Navâzesh-I Falak in Three Movements: Falak, Heydari, Setâyesh7Bâd-I-Rôshân, A Song in the Rôshân Dialectthe male voice choir of the M. Minakov group8FALAK-I Talqin9Mystic Songs: Ode to Imam 'Ali (End of the Poem) Followed by Another Poem by JâmiS. Tavarov10Monâjât, Maqâm-I Setâyesh, Falak "Khod Sefid", Lala'ik, Dardilik11Wedding Air and Dance, Maqâm-I Rapo'i DanceSamin (Tashkorgan)12Songs by the Troupe of Ge Wu TuanTeyqunBâ namak13Volvolakik, Tombak Suz, Oynasinhis wifeDaughter14Uyman Tartur, Oyimcha, Takanja Dandun Nars15Shingan Gul, Oynasin, Tilumijun, GulbateListen to full