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The Diary The Gentle Storm

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1 Endless Sea (Gentle Version) 2 Heart of Amsterdam (Gentle Version) 3 The Greatest Love (Gentle Version) 4 Shores of India (Gentle Version) 5 Cape of Storms (Gentle Version) 6 The Moment (Gentle Version) 7 The Storm (Gentle Version) 8 Eyes of Michiel (Gentle Version) 9 Brightest Light (Gentle Version) 10 New Horizons (Gentle Version) 11 Epilogue: The Final Entry (Gentle Version) 1 Endless Sea (Storm Version) 2 Heart of Amsterdam (Storm Version) 3 The Greatest Love (Storm Version) 4 Shores of India (Storm Version) 5 Cape of Storms (Storm Version) 6 The Moment (Storm Version) 7 The Storm (Storm Version) 8 Eyes of Michiel (Storm Version) 9 Brightest Light (Storm Version) 10 New Horizons (Storm Version) 11 Epilogue: The Final Entry (Storm Version) Listen to full