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At the Edge of the Beginning Idan Raichel

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At the Edge of the Beginning Idan Raichel Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Le'Chakot (To Wait) 2 Ha'Yad Ha'Chama (The Warm Hand) 3 Ba'Yeshimon (In the Wilderness) 4 Mabitim Ba'Yare'ach (Looking at the Moon) 5 Ma'agalim (Circles) 6 Ei Boded (Lonely Island) 7 Yalda Shelli Ktana (Little Girl of Mine) 8 Delet Mistovevet (Revolving Door) 9 Ga'agua (Longing) 10 Be'Chamesh Shniyot (In Five Seconds) 11 Lifney She'Yigamer (Before It Ends) Listen to full