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Voices of Earth Amadeus Choir

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1 Voices of Earth: Prologue. Canticle of the Sun (Verse 1) 2 Voices of Earth: Canticle of the Sun (Verse 2) 3 Voices of Earth: The Sun Cup 4 Voices of Earth: Canticle of the Sun (Verse 3) 5 Voices of Earth: The Moon-Path 6 Voices of Earth: Canticle of the Sun (Verse 4) 7 Voices of Earth: The Wind's Word 8 Voices of Earth: Canticle of the Sun (Verse 5) 9 Voices of Earth: Winter-Store 10 Voices of Earth: Canticle of the Sun (Verse 7) 11 Voices of Earth: May 12 Voices of Earth: Epilogue 13 Of Heart and Tide: No. 1, Newfoundland 14 Of Heart and Tide: No. 2, Erosion 15 Of Heart and Tide: No. 3, The Sea-Cathedral 16 Of Heart and Tide: No. 4, Come Not the Seasons Here 17 Of Heart and Tide: No. 5, The Secret of the Sea 18 Salutation of the Dawn 19 I Will Sing unto the Lord 20 Prayer for Peace Listen to full