1Bellamira - Bobbing Joe2Newcastle: Round for Eight3Hearts Ease - Sing Care Away: Round for FourBjoern Werner4Scotch Cap: Longways for Six5Oranges and Lemons: Square for Four Couples6Jenny Pluck Pears: Round for Six7An Italian Rant: Fuggi fuggi da' lieti amantiBjoern Werner8Epping Forrest9Lilli Burlero: Ho Brother Teague, Longways for as Many as WillAnne Schneider10The Star of the County Down: A Constant WifeBjoern WernerAnne Schneider11Blacke Almaine: Almain for as Many as Will12I Care Not for These Ladies: Circle of CouplesBjoern Werner13The Indian Queen: Longways for as Many as Will14Upon a Summer's Day: I Smell a Rat, Longways for SixBjoern Werner15Jamaica: The Joviall Broome ManBjoern Werner16An Elegy on the Death of John PlayfordAnne SchneiderBjoern WernerListen to full