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Music in the Heart Ralph Vaughan Williams

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Music in the Heart Ralph Vaughan Williams Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Serenade to Music 2 The Pilgrim's Journey (After R. Vaughan Williams' The Pilgrim's Progress): Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord 3 The Pilgrim's Journey (After R. Vaughan Williams' The Pilgrim's Progress): Into Thy Hands, O Lord 4 The Pilgrim's Journey (After R. Vaughan Williams' The Pilgrim's Progress): Who Would True Valour See 5 The Pilgrim's Journey (After R. Vaughan Williams' The Pilgrim's Progress): Unto Him That Overcometh 6 The Pilgrim's Journey (After R. Vaughan Williams' The Pilgrim's Progress): Vanity Fair 7 The Pilgrim's Journey (After R. Vaughan Williams' The Pilgrim's Progress): He That Is Own 8 The Pilgrim's Journey (After R. Vaughan Williams' The Pilgrim's Progress): The Lord Is My Shepherd 9 The Pilgrim's Journey (After R. Vaughan Williams' The Pilgrim's Progress): Alleluia 1 The Teachings of Parry and Stanford - The Teachings of Parry & Stanford 2 Excerpt from the Funeral Service of Ralph Vaughan Williams - Excerpt of "Come Down, O Love Divine" from the Funeral Service of Ralph Vaughan Williams Listen to full