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Maria Farantouri Sings Taner Akyol Taner Akyol, Maria Farantouri, Symeon Ioannidis, Berlin Chamber Orchestra

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Maria Farantouri Sings Taner Akyol Taner Akyol, Maria Farantouri, Symeon Ioannidis, Berlin Chamber Orchestra Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 BİLEN GELSİN (Let Him Come Who Knows) Maria Farantouri 2 VAY GURBET (Ah, Exile) Maria Farantouri 3 HAPISTELER AMA (But They're In Prison) Maria Farantouri 4 GÖÇMEN KUŞLAR (Birds Of Passage) Maria Farantouri 5 YILDIZ DAĞI (Star Mountain) Maria Farantouri 6 SUKUNUM SANA (Mute) Maria Farantouri 7 SU (Water) Maria Farantouri 8 Cananim (Beloved) Maria Farantouri 9 Daye Daye (Mother, Mother) Maria Farantouri 10 Anlaymazsin (You Wouldn't Understand) Maria Farantouri 11 Garip (Forlorn) Maria Farantouri Listen to full