1Magnificat in D, BWV 243: Magnificat anima mea Dominum2Ave Maria a 83Ave verum corpus, K6184Iste confessor5Spem in alium6Funeral Sentences: Man that is born of a woman7Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts (1695 version)8Coronation Anthem: Zadok the Priest, HWV 2589Ein Deutsches Requiem: Wei lieblich sind deine Wohnungen10Crucifixus a 811A Hymn to the Mother of God12Te gloriosus Apostolorum13The Lark: Spring Song14Le Cantique des Cantiques: La voix du bien-aimé15Requiem: Pie Jesu16Sept Répons des Ténèbres17A Hymn of Saint Columba18Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Moses and the children of Israel19Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: I will sing unto the Lord20Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: Quoniam tu solus sanctus21Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: Cum Sancto Spiritu1Solomon, HWV 67: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba2Vesperae solennes de Confessore, K. 339: Laudate Dominum3Miserere Mei4Missa Papae Marcelli: Kyrie5Deus in adiutorium meum intende6O Domine lesu Christe7Libera nos8Mass for Double Choir: Agnus Dei9The Lamb10Funeral motet: Versas est in luctum11Agnus Dei12Advance Democracy13Messiah HWV 56: Hallelujah14Cantata BWV 147: Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben (Chorus)15Gloria in D: Gloria in excelsis Deo16Cantata 50, BWV 50: Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft17Samson HWV 57: Let the bright seraphim (Air & Chorus)Listen to full album