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Ecce novum gaudium: Carols & Christmas Music in the Renaissance La Rossignol

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Ecce novum gaudium: Carols & Christmas Music in the Renaissance La Rossignol Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Pastorale natalizia [18th Century] - Pastorale natalizia 2 Veni, veni Emmanuel (O come, o come Emmanuel) [18th Century] - Veni, veni Emmanuel 3 Angelus ad Virginem [15th Century] - Angelus ad Virginem 4 Vidi speciosam [18th Century] - Vidi speciosam 5 El Angel Gabriel [18th Century] - El Ángel Gabriel 6 Ave Maria 7 Noël! Sors de ton lit [18th Century] - Noël! 8 Resonet in laudibus [15th Century] - Resonet in laudibus 9 Ecce novum gaudium 10 Beata progenies 11 Den die Hirten lobeten sehre: Quem pastores laudavere - Quem pastores laudavere 12 Cancionero de Uppsala: Verbum caro factum est 13 Un flambeau, Jeanette Isabelle [18th Century] - Un flambeau, Jeanette Isabelle 14 Hodie Christus natus est 15 Piae cantiones: Personent hodie 16 Gaudete quia vobis [16th Century] - Gaudete quia vobis 17 Gaudete, Christus est natus [16th Century] - Gaudete, Christus est natus 18 Entrata dei Magi [16th Century] - Entrata dei magi 19 Parton dall'oriente [16th Century] - Parton dall'oriente 20 Noёl branle 21 Quanno nascette Ninno 22 Danza dei pastori [16th Century] - Danza dei pastori 23 Oh Santissima Listen to full