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Eternal Light Gloriæ Dei Cantores

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1 All-Night Vigil, Op. 37 "Vespers": No. 6, Ave Maria 2 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need 3 4 Motets, Op. 133: No. 2, Meditabor 4 The Eyes of All Wait upon Thee 5 Ad te levavi 6 Turn Thou to Thy God 7 Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 41, TH 75: No. 9, Merciful Peace 8 Psalms of Woe and Joy: No. 1, Chaneini, Be Gracious to Me, Lord 9 Yr Arglwydd yw fy mugail 10 3 Motets, Op. 110: No. 2, Ach, arme Welt 11 Missa pro defunctis: Requiem aeternam 12 Easter Day 13 Cherubim's Song 14 Hymns from the Old South: No. 2, Death, 'tis a Melancholy Day 15 Miserere nostri, Domine 16 Eternal Light Listen to full