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Some Places Are Forever Afternoon (11 Places For Richard Hugo) Wayne Horvitz

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Some Places Are Forever Afternoon (11 Places For Richard Hugo) Wayne Horvitz Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Money or a story (The Milltown Union Bar) 2 those who remain are the worst (Three Stops to Ten Sleep) 3 you drink until you are mayor (Dixon) 4 Nothing dies as slowly as a scene (Death of the Kapowsin Tavern) 5 all weather is yours no matter how vulgar' (Fairfield) 6 the beautiful wives (Missoula Softball Tournament) 7 For Jim and Lois Welch (Cataldo Mission) 8 in some other home (The Only Bar in Dixon) 9 The car that brought you here still runs (Degrees of Gray in Philipsburg) 10 last place there (for Richard Hugo) 11 You must have strayed hours (Driving Montana) 12 Some places are forever afternoon (West Marginal Way) Listen to full