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Sunday At Iridium Bob Dorough

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Sunday At Iridium Bob Dorough Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Welcome From Bob Dorough 2 You're The Dangerous Type 3 But For Now 4 Introducing The Band 5 You're Looking At Me 6 Introducing Joe Wilder 7 Sunday 8 Introducing The Bobettes 9 Comin' Home, Baby 10 Introducing Schoolhouse Rock 11 Three Is A Magic Number 12 Baby Used To Be 13 How Could A Man Take Such A Fall 14 Introducing Daryl Sherman 15 Without Rhyme Or Reason 16 Down St. Thomas Way 17 Ain't No Spoofin' 18 Introducing Electricity, Electricity And The Bobettes 19 Electricity, Electricity 20 Farewell From Bob 21 We'll Be Together Again Listen to full