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Music From Various Artists

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1 Dia c' tchuva bem: (Cape Verde) 2 Malewo: (Tanzania) 3 Lieu duong hoang thien khuc (Vietnam) 4 Tizita: (Ethiopia) 5 Po ro cha ba: (Vietnam) 6 Corrido a Nueva Celilac: (Honduras) 7 Xidhilo (Moaning) (arr. Silita): (Mozambique) 8 Odeno oro (arr. S. Stojkovski): (Macedonia) 9 Maganidaba luago biawana (Guatemala) 10 Milagrosa (Miraculous): (Honduras) 11 Ettaala ya blue (The blue light): (Uganda) 12 Mace (arr. Synthesis): (Macedonia) 13 El farrista Quiteno (Ecuador) 14 Hat chau van (Beauty of the ancient capital): (Vietnam) 15 Muheme (arr. M.M. Malogo): (Tanzania) 16 Barreno: (Guatemala) 17 O, lai munti (arr. M. Kostova): (Macedonia) Listen to full