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Movie Themes of the 40s Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

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Movie Themes of the 40s Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Hypocrite (From "Spy Net 626") 2 Main Title Song (From "Song of the Songstress") 3 Heaven on Earth (From "The New Camille") 4 Main Title Song (From "Spring Rivals") 5 Listen to Me! (From "Orioles in the Willows") 6 Main Title Song (From "Orioles in the Willows") 7 The Candy Seller (From "Honoured Throughout the Ages") 8 I'm Calling You (From "Four Beauties") 9 If I Don't Have You (From "Orioles in the Willows") 10 Shanghai Nights (From "Longing") 11 A Night of Red Lamps and Green Wine (From "The Pink Bombshell") 12 The Little Nuptial Chamber (From "Waste Not Our Youth") 13 Main Title Song (From "Flames of Love") Listen to full