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Aarehgïjre - Early Spring Marja Mortensson

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Aarehgïjre - Early Spring Marja Mortensson Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Sïlpelibjh - Silver Drops 2 Aarehgïjre - Early Spring 3 Delvieh - To Regain Visibility 4 Birkoj - The Mountain of Björkfjället 5 Slibnjehke - The Newborn Reindeer Calf 6 Gie Manne - Who Am I 7 Onne Lim - When I Was Young 8 Njoktje - The Swan 9 Ih Goh - Why Are You so Silent 10 Aaltoen Vaaje - The Sorrow of the Reindeer Mother 11 Stuora Várrie - The Great Northern Mountain Listen to full