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Barab: Little Red Riding Hood Margaret Astrup

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1 Little Red Riding Hood: Overture 2 Little Red Riding Hood: No! No Please! 3 Little Red Riding Hood: I'm the Wolf 4 Little Red Riding Hood: Oh Mother, That Dinner Was So Delicious 5 Little Red Riding Hood: Listen! I Thought I Heard a Mockingbird 6 Little Red Riding Hood: You Were Lucky This Time, My Girl 7 Little Red Riding Hood: My Head Has an Ache 8 Little Red Riding Hood: A Little While Ago I Wasn't Feeling So Hot 9 Little Red Riding Hood: Sh! This Is It! 10 Little Red Riding Hood: Curses, I Nearly Had Grandma in My Hands! 11 Little Red Riding Hood: Quick, Grandma, Lock the Door! 12 Little Red Riding Hood: The Wolf Is Dead! Listen to full