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Wert: Madrigals La Venexiana

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1 Madrigals, Book 8 (text by T. Tasso) - Sovente all'hor 2 Madrigals, Book 7 (text by T. Tasso) - Giunto a la tomba 3 Madrigals, Book 8 (text by T. Tasso) - Usciva homai del molle e fresco grembo 4 Madrigals, Book 8 (text by T. Tasso) - Vezzosi augelli 5 Madrigals, Book 8 (text by T. Tasso) - Forsennata gridava 6 Madrigals, Book 8 (text by T. Tasso) - Qual musico gentil 7 Madrigals, Book 8 (text by T. Tasso) - Misera non credea ch'agli occhi miei 8 Madrigals, Book 7 - Giunto a la tomba (Instrumental) 9 Madrigals, Book 11 (text by G.B. Guarini) - O primavera gioventù 10 Madrigals, Book 11 (text by G.B. Guarini) - Ah dolente partita 11 Madrigals, Book 11 (text by G.B. Guarini) - Udite lagrimosi spirti 12 Madrigals, Book 11 (text by G.B. Guarini) - Cruda Amarilli Listen to full