1I Want to Go Home (Live)2The Dying Patriot (Live)3Everyone Sang (Live)4If We Return (Live)5In Flanders (Live)6In Memoriam, Easter 1915 (Live)7I Heard a Soldier (Live)84 Songs of Rupert Brooke - It's Not Going to Happen Again (Live)94 Songs of Rupert Brooke - The Treasure (Live)104 Songs of Rupert Brooke - Clouds (Live)114 Songs of Rupert Brooke - Song (Live)12Winter Warfare (Live)13The Cenotaph (Live)142 Sassoon Settings - Before the Battle (Live)152 Sassoon Settings - I Stood with the Dead (Live)16I Did Not Lose My Heart (Live)17Attack (Live)18The End (Live)194 Songs of War - The Soldier (Live)204 Songs of War - Blind (Live)214 Songs of War - The Cost (Live)224 Songs of War - The Dead (Live)23We'll Never Tell Them (Live)Listen to full