1Black Mariachi2Bobby Peru3Red Hot4Cin-A-Delico5Golden Dawn Surf Patrol6Black Cactus Stampede7So You Say You Lost Your Babe8From Mecca To Mescalito9Plantrosaurus10Let's Go Boo-Ga-Loo!11Lonely Weekends12Surfin' The Prairie13Stumblin' Guitars14Let's Lynch The Landlord15Dia Del Los Muertos16Zapatista Surfista17Devil With A Blue Dress18Hang 'Em High19Los Diablos20Bertha Lou21Cpt. Atletico22Montezuma's Revenge23Once Upon A Time In Noruega24John Wayne (drunk again)25Casbah26I Wanna Be Your Driver27Tijuana Mary Y Juana28El Hombre29Mary Lou30The Good, The Bad & The UglyListen to full