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Tuesday Afternoon Tony "troubleclef" R. Clef

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Tuesday Afternoon Tony "troubleclef" R. Clef Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 If ever I more riches did desire, Z. 544 (arr. T. R. Clef) - If ever I more riches did desire, Z. 544: Me, O Ye Gods (arr. T. R. Clef) 2 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: Pure Imagination (arr. T. R. Clef) 3 Oklahoma! (arr. T. R. Clef): Oklahoma!: Out of My Dreams (arr. T. R. Clef) 4 Floresta do Amazonas: Melodia Sentimental (arr. T. R. Clef) 5 When I'm Sixty-Four (arr. T. R. Clef) 6 A Felicidade (arr. T. R. Clef) 7 Clube da Esquina No. 2 (arr. T. R. Clef) 8 Moon Time (arr. T. R. Clef) 9 Les chemins de l'amour, FP 106 (arr. T. R. Clef) 10 Sunny Afternoon (arr. T. R. Clef) 11 Tuesday Afternoon: Tuesday Afternoon (arr. T. R. Clef) Listen to full