1Part I: Overture2Part I: Chorus - Immortal Lord of earth and skies3Part I: Recitative4Part I: Duet - Where do thy ardours raise me?5Part I: Chorus - Forbear thy doubts!6Part I: Recitative7Part I: Soloists and Chorus - For ever to the voice of pray'r8Part I: Accompanied Recitative9Part I: Chorus - O hear thy lowly servants' pray'r10Part I: Recitative11Part I: Chorus - O blast with thy tremendous brow12Part I: Recitative13Part I: Air - How lovely is the blooming fair14Part I: Recitative15Part I: Air: Choirs of Angels, all around thee16Part I: Recitative17Part I: Air - To joy he brightens my despair18Part I: Recitative19Part I: Air - Awake the ardour of thy breast20Part I: Recitative21Part I: Air - All danger disdaining22Part I: Chorus - Let thy deeds be glorious23Part I: Recitative24Part I: Air - Hateful man25Part I: Air - My Vengeance awakes me26Part I: Recitative27Part I: Air - Cease, O Judah, cease thy mourning28Part I: Chorus - Despair, all around them29Part I: Chorus - Alleluia1Part II: Chorus of the Israelites - See, the proud chief2Part II: Recitative3Part II: Air - At my feet extended low4Part II: Recitative5Part II: Air - In Jehova's awful sight6Part II: Recitative7Part II: Air - Whilst you boast the wondrous...8Part II: Air - Impious mortal, cease to brave us9Part II: Recitative10Part II: Chorus of Baal's Priests - O Baal, Monarch of the skies!11Part II: Recitative12Part II: Chorus of Israelites - Lord of Eternity13Part II: Chorus of Israelites - Plead thy just cause14Part II: Recitative15Part II: Soloists and Chorus - All your boast will end in woe16Part II: Recitative17Part II: Air - In the battle, fame pursuing18Part II: Recitative19Part II: Air - Swift inundation of desolation20Part II: Recitative21Part II: Air - No more disconsolate I'll mournListen to full