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The A-La-Mi-Re Manuscripts:Flemish Polyphonic Treasures Capilla Flamenca

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The A-La-Mi-Re Manuscripts:Flemish Polyphonic Treasures Capilla Flamenca Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Missa Myn hert: Kyrie 2 Celeste beneficium - Audiutorium nostrum 3 Proch dolor - Pie Jhesu 4 Mater floreat 5 Missa super Benedicta es: Agnus Dei 6 Salve Regina (on Myn hert) 7 Maudit soyt 8 Autant en emporte 9 Myn hert altyt heeft verlanghen I 10 Celle que j'ay 11 Myn hert altyt heeft verlanghen II 12 Plus oultre 13 Plaine de duel 14 Soubz ce tumbel 15 Dulces exuviae 16 Jam sauche 17 Tandernaken op den Rijn Listen to full