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Modern Bellydance from Lebanon Emad Sayyah

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Modern Bellydance from Lebanon Emad Sayyah Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Ghaab el habhaab (The Fata Morgana Vanished) 2 Ya salam ya madam (How Wonderful, Madam) 3 Habibi thabibi (My Darling Is My Healer) 4 Inti sitt (You Are a Lady) 5 Belly belly belly 6 Dounya ya dounya (World, Oh World) 7 Jismik (Your Body) 8 Samira amira (Samira Is a Princess) 9 Shou hajjamaal (What Beauty!) 10 Btiji al mowad? (Will She Show Up for the Date) 11 Ibsitiina (Make Us Happy) 12 Sahara wa anghaam (Desert and Melodies) 13 Hazzi helou (I Am Very Lucky) 14 Ounousah (Femininity) 15 Shou hilwi inti (How Beautiful You Are) 16 Ma baddi flousik (I Do Not Want Your Money) 17 Azza, raksa lazza (Azza, Her Dance Is Pure Pleasure) Listen to full