1Sje sza fak (What shall I do?)2Áhuz, mámã…: Ahuz, mama (Listen, mother)3S-o mersz giszka (The goose has gone onto the ice) (Boyash)4Járã jésty tu, jár á me: Jara jesty tu, jar a me (You are mine again)5Foku drakuluj (The devil's fire)6Jarba (Grass)7Kînd odátã mámã…: Kind odata mama (When my mother)8Ajoj, urtasje (Oh, my friend)9Sî tisjunyé sî kãrbunyé: Si tisjunye si karbunye (Live coal and soot)10Az ordog bujt (The devil has hidden)11Tu jesty fata (You are that girl) (Romanian)12Fã nyé mámã…: Fa nye mama (Cook, mother) (Boyash)13Plinzsje puju kukuluj (The young cuckoo is calling) (Boyash)14Asztaz bja ku szanatatye (I drink with pleasure today)15Naj laso mange (Not good for me) (Wallachian)16Aj, Jula me (Oh, my Juliska) (Boyash)17Tata naptye am kintat jo (All evening)18Szi amen jek sejorri (We have a little girl)Listen to full