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Gohler, G.: Vocal Music Antje Perscholka

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Gohler, G.: Vocal Music Antje Perscholka Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Ein Geliebtes leiden lassen (To make your beloved suffer) 2 Er ist gekommen (He came in storm and rain) 3 Wer sich der Einsamkeit (He who deserves himself to solitude) 4 Der du von dem Himmel bist (Thou who art from heaven) 5 5 Sesenheimer Lieder: No. 1. Mit einem gemalten Band (Wita a Painted Ribbon) 6 5 Sesenheimer Lieder: No. 2. Mailied (May Song) 7 5 Sesenheimer Lieder: No. 3. Ich komme bald (I will be coming soon) 8 5 Sesenheimer Lieder: No. 4. Jetzt fuhlt der Engel (Now the angel feels what I fell!) 9 5 Sesenheimer Lieder: No. 5. Balde seh ich Rickchen (Soon I will see Rickchen again) 10 Opferflamme (Flame of Sacrifice) 11 Fruhling und Liebe (Spring and Love) 12 Die Rose der Sehnsucht (The Rose of Longing) 13 3 Duets: No. 1. Baum und Gartner (Tree and Gardener) 14 3 Duets: No. 2. Ich war am Indischen Ozean (I was on the Indian Ocean) 15 3 Duets: No. 3. Wer in der Liebsten (Whoever looks into the beloved's eye) 16 Contemplations, Op. 1: I. Frage (Question) 17 Contemplations, Op. 1: II. Das hohe Geheimnis (The secret beyond reach) 18 Contemplations, Op. 1: III. Gebet (Prayer) 19 Fruhlingsnabe (Spring is nigh) 20 Lilie der (Lily of the meadows! Lady of the rose bush!) 21 2 Canti populari: Parte la nave 22 Little Indian Songs: No. 1. Sie schaut hinaus ohne Ziel (She gazes out aimlessly) 23 Little Indian Songs: No. 2. Wie kann man (How can it be expressed with words, my love?) 24 Little Indian Songs: No. 3. Ordnet alles (Set all things in order, whitewash the walls) 25 Little Indian Songs: No. 4. O, wenn du gnadig (O, if you want to show mercy, destiny) 26 Little Indian Songs: No. 5. Morgen fruh (Early tomorrow, they are saying) 27 Little Indian Songs: No. 6. Du kommst! (You are coming!) 28 2 Duets: No. 1. Schneeflocken (Snowflakes) 29 2 Duets: No. 2. Schonster Tag, nun gute Nacht! (O loveliest day, good night!) Listen to full