1Personent Hodie & Unto Us Is Born a Son (feat. Angela Hicks & Lea Cornthwaite)2Veni EmmanuelBelinda Sykes3Ave Rosa (Mash-Up) [feat. Cerian Holland]Belinda Sykes4Peperit Virgo (feat. Angela Hicks & May Robertson)5Sainte Nicholaes (feat. Cerian Holland)6In Dulci Jubilo (feat. Angela Hicks)7Pais Dinogad (feat. Sianed Jones)8Wynter Wakeneth Al My Care / Bonaparte Crossing the Alps (feat. Lea Cornthwaite & Tad Sargent)9Don Oíche Du Im Beithil (feat. Úna Palliser)10Christ Child Lullaby (feat. Hazel Askew)11Make We Myrth for Crystes Byrth / The Killer Rabbit12A Lovely Rose (feat. Louise Anna Duggan)13Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind (feat. Orlando Gough & Emma Kirkby)14Gabriel That Angel Bright15The Moon Shines Bright (feat. Hazel Askew)16Rosa Fragrans17Qui Creavit Celum (feat. Cerian Holland)18Come Mad BoysBelinda Sykes19The Boar's Head Carol (feat. Lea Cornthwaite)20Ding Dong Merrily / Branle De L'official (feat. Zands Duggan)21Wel Dyma'r Bore Gore I Gyd (feat. Sianed Jones & Guy Schalom)Listen to full