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Hymns Through the Centuries, Vol. 1 Gisele Becker

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Hymns Through the Centuries, Vol. 1 Gisele Becker Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 When in our music God Is glorified 2 Ye watchers and ye holy ones 3 A mighty fortress Is our God 4 Where cross the crowded ways of life 5 O sacred head sore wounded 6 All Glory, Laud and Honor 7 Abide with me 8 My shepherd will supply my need 9 Come, ye thankful people, come 10 Let all mortal flesh keep silence 11 Rock of Ages, cleft for me 12 Praise, My Soul the King of Heaven: Praise, my soul, the King of heaven 13 Come, risen Lord 14 Carillon hymn (Christ Church or St. Peter) 15 Eternal Father, strong to save (Tune: Melita) 16 Amazing Grace (Live) - Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound 17 Holy, holy, holy! 18 Nearer, my God, to Thee 19 Dear Lord and Father of mankind 20 In Christ there Is no east or west 21 Were You There? 22 Crown Him with many crowns 23 Word of God, come down on earth 24 The Church's one foundation 25 God of our fathers 26 Father, In Thy Gracious Keeping 27 Peal Bells Listen to full