1When in our music God Is glorified2Ye watchers and ye holy ones3A mighty fortress Is our God4Where cross the crowded ways of life5O sacred head sore wounded6All Glory, Laud and Honor7Abide with me8My shepherd will supply my need9Come, ye thankful people, come10Let all mortal flesh keep silence11Rock of Ages, cleft for me12Praise, My Soul the King of Heaven: Praise, my soul, the King of heaven13Come, risen Lord14Carillon hymn (Christ Church or St. Peter)15Eternal Father, strong to save (Tune: Melita)16Amazing Grace (Live) - Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound17Holy, holy, holy!18Nearer, my God, to Thee19Dear Lord and Father of mankind20In Christ there Is no east or west21Were You There?22Crown Him with many crowns23Word of God, come down on earth24The Church's one foundation25God of our fathers26Father, In Thy Gracious Keeping27Peal BellsListen to full