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A Fanatic Heart: Geldof On Yeats The Soundtrack Various Artists

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A Fanatic Heart: Geldof On Yeats The Soundtrack Various Artists Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Easter 1916 2 No Second Troy 3 The Circus Animals' Desertion 4 Adam's Curse 5 Sixteen Dead Men 6 Sailing to Byzantium 7 Long-Legged Fly 8 The Fisherman 9 The Second Coming 10 September 1913 11 Remorse for Intemperate Speech 12 The Lake Isle of Innisfree 13 The Stares Nest by my Window 14 To a Child Dancing Upon The Shore 15 When You Are Old 16 Led and the Swan 17 An Irish Airman Forsees his Death 18 Brown Penny 19 The Four Ages of Man 20 The Folly of Being Comforted 21 The Indian Upon God 22 Crazy Jane on God 23 Down by the Salley Gardens 24 When You Are Old 25 Mad as the Mist and the Snow 26 He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven 27 That the Night Come 28 On Being Asked for a War Poem 29 The Wheel 30 Yeats Remembered (Soundtrack 31 September 1913/Mad as the Mist and Snow 32 A Drunken Man's Praise of Sobriety Listen to full