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Keller: Kammermusik - World Premier Recordings (Digitally Remastered) Max E Keller

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Keller: Kammermusik - World Premier Recordings (Digitally Remastered) Max E Keller Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Dornenbahn (1983) for cello solo 2 Friedenslied eines Oboisten (1983) for oboe solo 3 Zustand I-VII (1984) for ten instruments: I 4 Zustand I-VII (1984) for ten instruments: II 5 Zustand I-VII (1984) for ten instruments: III 6 Zustand I-VII (1984) for ten instruments: IV 7 Zustand I-VII (1984) for ten instruments: V 8 Zustand I-VII (1984) for ten instruments: VI 9 Zustand I-VII (1984) for ten instruments: VII 10 Achuapa / Nicaragua (1986) for singing and speaking pianist 11 Konfigurationen II (1989) for alto and ensemble: Stand Der Nationen 12 Konfigurationen II (1989) for alto and ensemble: Ordnungsliebe 13 Konfigurationen II (1989) for alto and ensemble: Nichts 14 Konfigurationen II (1989) for alto and ensemble: Ell 15 Konfigurationen II (1989) for alto and ensemble: Jeder Satellit Hat Einen Killersatellit 16 Konfigurationen II (1989) for alto and ensemble: Hosen 17 Konfigurationen II (1989) for alto and ensemble: Traenengas 18 Konfigurationen II (1989) for alto and ensemble: Zuflucht Listen to full