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Zvony Nagy: Angelus Zvony Nagy

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Zvony Nagy: Angelus Zvony Nagy Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Angelus 2 Litanies of the Soul: I. — 3 Litanies of the Soul: II. — 4 Litanies of the Soul: III. — 5 Litanies of the Soul: IV. — 6 Litanies of the Soul: V. — 7 Prayer 8 2 Canons: No. 1, Inner Self 9 2 Canons: No. 2, Carmen Perpetuum 10 Preludes for a Prayer: I. — 11 Preludes for a Prayer: II. — 12 Preludes for a Prayer: III. — 13 Preludes for a Prayer: IV. — 14 Preludes for a Prayer: V. — 15 Preludes for a Prayer: VI. — 16 Preludes for a Prayer: VII. — Listen to full