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Messiaen - Revueltas - Ruggles Ensemble 21

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Messiaen - Revueltas - Ruggles Ensemble 21 Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Et Expecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum (Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice) 2 Et Expecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum (Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him) 3 Et Expecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum (The hour is coming when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God) 4 Et Expecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum (They shall be raised in glory, with a new name, when the morning stars sing together, and all the sons of God shout for joy) 5 Et Expecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum (And I hear the voice of a great multitude) 6 Homenaje a Garcia Lorca (Baile) 7 Homenaje a Garcia Lorca (Duelo) 8 Homenaje a Garcia Lorca (Son) 9 Angels (for muted brass) Listen to full