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Tanburi Cemil Bey Tanburi Cemil Bey

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Tanburi Cemil Bey Tanburi Cemil Bey Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Evic Taksim (kemence) 2 Saba Taksim (kemence) 3 Gulizar Taksim (tanbur) 4 Ferahnak Taksim (tanbur) 5 Nihavent Taksim (tanbur) 6 Nihavent Sirto (ud & kemence) 7 Zeibek Havasi 8 Mahur Taksim 9 Mahur Gazel 10 Coban Taksim 11 Bestenigar Taksim (violoncello) 12 Bestenigar Pesrev 13 Mahur Pesrev 14 Saba Pesrev 15 Yegah Pesrev 16 Kurdilihicazkar Pesrev 17 Gaida Havasi Listen to full