1Vita di San Francesco (1992-93) Eleven Stations from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi for organ and thirteen gongs: First Station - Das Gebet In San Damiano2Vita di San Francesco (1992-93) Eleven Stations from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi for organ and thirteen gongs: Second Station - Die Lossagung Vom Vater3Vita di San Francesco (1992-93) Eleven Stations from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi for organ and thirteen gongs: Third Station - Der Papst Sieht Im Traum Franziskus Die Lateranbasilika Stue4Vita di San Francesco (1992-93) Eleven Stations from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi for organ and thirteen gongs: Fourth Station - Die Ekstase Des Franziskus5Vita di San Francesco (1992-93) Eleven Stations from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi for organ and thirteen gongs: Fifth Station - Die Vertreibung Der Daemonen Aus Arezzo6Vita di San Francesco (1992-93) Eleven Stations from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi for organ and thirteen gongs: Sixth Station - Franziskus Erscheint Den Bruedern In Arks7Vita di San Francesco (1992-93) Eleven Stations from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi for organ and thirteen gongs: Seventh Station - Das Quellwunder8Vita di San Francesco (1992-93) Eleven Stations from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi for organ and thirteen gongs: Eighth Station - Die Weihnachtsfeier In Greccio9Vita di San Francesco (1992-93) Eleven Stations from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi for organ and thirteen gongs: Ninth Station - Die Stigmatisation10Vita di San Francesco (1992-93) Eleven Stations from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi for organ and thirteen gongs: Tenth Station - Der Tod Des Franziskus11Vita di San Francesco (1992-93) Eleven Stations from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi for organ and thirteen gongs: Eleventh Station - Die Klarissen Nehmen Abschied Von FranziskusListen to full