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Scotlands Voices Various Artists

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Scotlands Voices Various Artists Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 MacCrimmon's Lament 2 Come All Ye Tramps and Hawkers 3 Auld Lang Syne (Jean Redpath) 4 Jamie Telfer of the Fair Dodheid 5 Tha Mi Duilich 6 McGinty's Meal and Ale 7 Hector the Hero 8 The Berryfields of Blair 9 Thogail nam Bo 10 The Kielder Hunt 11 Drumdelgie 12 A Mhic Iain Ic Sheumais 13 Queen Among the Heather 14 The Battle of Harlaw 15 The Watergaw 16 The Freedom Come All Ye Listen to full