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Fierce Tears - Contemporary Oboe Music James Turnbull, Huw Watkins, Claire Jones

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Fierce Tears - Contemporary Oboe Music James Turnbull, Huw Watkins, Claire Jones Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Forgotten Game 2 Huw WatkinsClaire Jones 2 The Kingdom of Dreams: Landscape with Yellow Birds Huw WatkinsClaire Jones 3 The Kingdom of Dreams: The Bavarian Don Giovanni Huw WatkinsClaire Jones 4 The Kingdom of Dreams: Tale à la Hoffman Huw WatkinsClaire Jones 5 The Kingdom of Dreams: Fish Magic Huw WatkinsClaire Jones 6 The Turkish Mouse Huw WatkinsClaire Jones 7 Fierce Tears I Huw WatkinsClaire Jones 8 Fierce II Huw WatkinsClaire Jones 9 Second Still Life for Oboe & Harp 10 In Angustiis II for Solo Oboe Huw WatkinsClaire Jones 11 Arabescos Huw WatkinsClaire Jones 12 Night-Spell Huw WatkinsClaire Jones 13 First Grace of Light for Solo Oboe Huw WatkinsClaire Jones Listen to full