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Bassett Hound Johnnie Bassett, The Bill Heid Trio

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Bassett Hound Johnnie Bassett, The Bill Heid Trio Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Bassett Hound The Bill Heid Trio 2 Walk My Blues Away The Bill Heid Trio 3 Ningyo Mambo The Bill Heid Trio 4 Sweet Potato Pie The Bill Heid Trio 5 You Little Doll! The Bill Heid Trio 6 Still Can Boogie The Bill Heid Trio 7 Years Gone By The Bill Heid Trio 8 The Mellow Side The Bill Heid Trio 9 Pick up the Pieces The Bill Heid Trio 10 Cold Winter Morning The Bill Heid Trio 11 Bouncing with Bassett The Bill Heid Trio Listen to full