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Byrd: Lamentations, Four Part Mass / Tallis: Lamentations I &II, Audivi Vocem De Caelo Choir of New College Oxford/Edward Higginbottom

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Byrd: Lamentations, Four Part Mass / Tallis: Lamentations I &II, Audivi Vocem De Caelo Choir of New College Oxford/Edward Higginbottom Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Byrd, Lamentations: De Lamentatione 2 Byrd, Lamentations: Heth 3 Byrd, Lamentations: Teth 4 Byrd, Lamentations: Jod 5 Byrd, Lamentations: Jerusalem 6 Byrd, Four-Part Mass: Kyrie 7 Byrd, Four-Part Mass: Gloria 8 Byrd, Four-Part Mass: Credo 9 Byrd, Four-Part Mass: Sanctus 10 Byrd, Four-Part Mass: Benedictus 11 Byrd, Four-Part Mass: Agnus Dei 12 Tallis, Lamentations I: Incipit Lamentatio 13 Tallis, Lamentations I: Aleph 14 Tallis, Lamentations I: Beth 15 Tallis, Lamentations II: De Lamentatione 16 Tallis, Lamentations II: Ghimel 17 Tallis, Lamentations II: Daleth 18 Tallis, Lamentations II: Heth 19 Tallis, Audivi Vocem De Caelo Listen to full