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Britten: String Quartets Nos. 2 & 3 The Alberni String Quartet

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Britten: String Quartets Nos. 2 & 3 The Alberni String Quartet Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 String Quartets No 2 in C major Op.36: First Movement: Allegro calmo senza rigore 2 String Quartets No 2 in C major Op.36: Second Movement: Vivace 3 String Quartets No 2 in C major Op.36: Third Movement: Chacony - Sostenuto 4 String Quartet No. 3 Op.94: First Movement: Duets 5 String Quartet No. 3 Op.94: Second Movement: Ostinato 6 String Quartet No. 3 Op.94: Third Movement: Solo 7 String Quartet No. 3 Op.94: Fourth Movement: Burlesque 8 String Quartet No. 3 Op.94: Fifth Movement: Recitative and Passacaglia - la Serenissima Listen to full