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Fairy Tales, Kid Stories and Fun Vol. 1 (Digital Only) Smiley Storytellers

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Fairy Tales, Kid Stories and Fun Vol. 1 (Digital Only) Smiley Storytellers Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Little Red Riding Hood 2 The Three Little Pigs 3 The Country Mouse 4 Three Billy Goats Gruff 5 How Jack Went To Seek His Fortune 6 Johnny Cake 7 The Hare And The Hound 8 Puss In Boots 9 The Queen Bee 10 The Rose-Tree 11 Mercury And The Sculptor 12 Tattercoats 13 Mr. Rabbit 14 The Snow Maiden 15 The Dog And His Shadow 16 The Farmer And His Sons 17 The Seven Ravens 18 The Boy Bathing 19 The Lioness 20 The Little Golden Bird 21 The Hen And The Fox 22 The Little Pear Girl 23 The Magic Tinderbox 24 One More Child 25 The Saucy Boy Listen to full