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People's Picks: Shovel Dance Collective TIDAL

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People's Picks: Shovel Dance Collective TIDAL Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 What Would You Do If You Married a Soldier? Seamus Ennis 2 The Sindhi-Bhairavi Mode Ali Akbar Khan 3 Ami Kolle / Salymane / Alassane Abdoulaye Diallo 4 Little Birdie Roscoe Holcomb 5 Song of the Ramadan for the Month of Fasting Male soloist, female chorus, 'ud and durbakki players 6 Malagueñas Unspecified 7 What's Gonna Become of Me Jerron Paxton 8 Ho-Ro-A La Vo (Waulking Song) Mrs. Archie MacDonald 9 Shoals of Herring Louis KillenStan HugillThe X-Seamen's Institute 10 Taureg Minstrels at Timbuktu (with Two Lutes) Tuareg minstrels 11 Ṛgveda - Opening Hymn Male singer 12 O, How Happy are They Indian Bottom Association 13 Imperial Sho Koto Chant: Gagaku Unspecified 14 Voice of Lir Henry Cowell 15 Bus Ride Ballad Road to Suva Allen Ginsberg 16 Faucets are Dripping Malvina Reynolds 17 Turning Toward the Morning Gordon BokAnn Mayo MuirEd Trickett 18 The Worms Crept Out Mr. Erwin Listen to full