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What's Good (Week of 1/19/25) User

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What's Good (Week of 1/19/25) User Copied to clipboard Failed copying to clipboard
1 Pruitt Eye Go Aj Suede 2 glimpses of god Chester WatsonElaquent 3 Bounce It On The Flo Khadija Al Hanafi 4 Show & Tell Henry CanyonsFresh Kils 5 Rauf Roc MarcianoThe Alchemist 6 Las Olas The Sure Fire Soul Ensemble 7 Not Hell, Not Heaven Scowl 8 WWTB YGTUT 9 Airplane Mode FrakPasswurdz 10 Get Away! Conductor WilliamsRome Streetz 11 The Move 44th MoveAlfa MistRichard SpavenQuelle Chris 12 Scene 1 SumacMoor Mother 13 a beautiful earth santpoort 14 Bad Choices Larry June2 ChainzThe Alchemist 15 Bystander Effect (feat. ELUCID) Ghais GuevaraE L U C I D 16 Arm fell asleep Salami Rose Joe Louis 17 Bigger (feat. Choklate) De La SoulChoklate 18 We Different RICHIE RICHE-40V White 19 He's a B-Boy Count Bass D 20 Twins Nacho PicassoMilcTelevangel 21 piece of mind (feat. andrew & Jesse the Tree) sleepingdogs 22 That Olde Timey Sorcery Blockhead 23 24hr Dog FKA twigs 24 Call You Love JUICEB☮️X 25 Take It Off Soo Joo 26 Spiral of a Faune Black Taffy 27 Dreamland Sleepdealer 28 Vintage Limo Roc Marciano Listen to full